Port Orford, like many small towns, depends on hard-working volunteers, extremely generous with their time and resources, to run much of our town. Whether elected or appointed to our government, including the City Council and various committees and commissions, these dedicated individuals all deserve our support and reasonable input to help them make decisions in the best interests of all the residents and businesses in our town.

City Budget

Budget Hearing May 24, 2022

Proposed FY 2022-2023 Budget

Click here to download copies of Port Orford’s current budget.

Municipal Code

Click to view Port Orford’s Municipal Code

City Council

The Common Council of the City of Port Orford meets the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm in the Gable Council Chambers at City Hall ...(more)…

Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan is the most important tool in City planning. It provides a vision and roadmap for the community’s development. The City’s Comprehensive Plan, acknowledged by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), addresses all of Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goals.

The City of Port Orford Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies, which describe the aspirations of the community, are used to guide zoning policy. The language can help support needed programs of the City and its citizens to obtain grants and funding. The Comprehensive Plan Inventory document information may also be used as a basis for decision-making.

You can learn more about Oregon’s statewide planning goals here.

Click the following links to download Port Orford planning documents:

Comprehensive Plan Goals & Policies

Comprehensive Plan Update

Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Ordinance 2012-04

Proposed Language for Land Use Classifications, Ordinance 2015-07